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International Journal

50) Woojin Choi, Yuri Lee *, Seyoon Jang (2024). Diffusion of fashion trend information: a study on fashion image mining from various sources. Fashion and Textiles, 11, 30.  SCIE (교신)

49) Jin Jeong, Ha Kyung Lee, Yuri Lee * (2024).Café or art exhibition? Which experience is more effective in luxury fashion flagships? Journal of Fashion Marketingn and Management, accepted, DOI: 10.1108/JFMM-12-2022-0269. SSCI (교신)

48) Yujeong Won, Yuri Lee* , Hye Jung Jung (2024).Online VR stores as a sustainable fashion retail space. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,  Vol. 52 No. 13, pp. 31-46. SSCI (교신)

47) Woojin Choi, Seyoon Jang*, Ha Youn Kim, Yuri Lee, Sang-goo Lee, Hanbit Lee & Sungchan Park (2023). Developing an AI-based automated fashion design system: reflecting the work process of fashion designers. Fashion and Textiles, 10, 39. SCIE 

46) Sun Young Choi, Jeyeon Jo, Yuri Lee, Jisoo Ha, Joeun Lee* (2022). A cross-cultural study of the proximity of clothing to self between millennial women in South Korea and Mongolia. Fashion and Textiles, 9:19. . SCIE 

45) Songmee Kim, Seyoon Jang, Woojin Choi, Chorong Youn*, Yuri Lee (2022). Contactless service encounters among Millennials and Generation Z: the effects of Millennials and Gen Z characteristics on technology self-efficacy and preference for contactless service. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 82-100. SSCI

44) Jinsu Park,  Yuri Lee* (2021). Luxury haul video creator's nonverbal communication and viewer intention to subscribe on YouTube. Social Behavior and Personality,  doi: 10.2224/sbp.10119. 49(6), e10119. SSCI (교신)

43) Inwha Kim, Hye Jung Jung*,  Yuri Lee* (2021). Consumers’ Value and Risk Perceptions of Circular Fashion: Comparison between Secondhand, Upcycled, and Recycled Clothing, Sustainability, 2021, 13(3), 1208,  SSCI (공동교신)

42) Sunyang Park, Yuri Lee* (2021). Scale development of sustainable consumption of clothing products. Sustainability 2021, 13(1), 115, SSCI (교신)

41) Jiyeon Lee, Yuri Lee, Sunwoo Kim* (2021). The effects of consumers' in-store technology experience on perceived interactivity, retail brand commitment, and revisit intention in a Korean beauty store. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 37(6), 534-546. SSCI 

40) Ha Youn Kim, Yuri Lee* , Erin Chon, Yeo JIn Jung (2020). Digital atmosphere of fashion retail stores. Fashion and Textiles. 7:30, Sep. 25, 2020,, SCIE (교신)

39) Raffaele Donvito* et al. (Yuri Lee, co-author out of 17 authors)(2020). Does congruence explain luxury brand attachment? The results of an international research study. Journal of Business Research, 120, 462-472. SSCI

38) Yunjeong Kim, Yuri Lee* (2020). Cross-Channel Spillover Effect of Price Promotion in Fashion. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 48(10) 1139-1154. DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-12-2019-0393. SSCI (교신)

37) Ha Youn Kim, Yuri Lee*(2020). The effect of online customization on consumers' happiness and purchase intention and the mediating roles of autonomy, competence, and pride of authorship. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 36(5) 403-413 DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2019.1658375. SSCI (교신)

36) Su Jin Yang, Yuri Lee*(2019). Mid-to low-end fashion brand personality affects consumers' perceived quality, commitment , and loyalty. Social Behavior and Personality, 47(7), e7680. SSCI (교신)

35) Jihyun Lee*, Yuri Lee (2019). Does online shopping make consumers feel better? Exploring online retail therapy effects on consumers' attitudes towards online shopping malls. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 31(2) 464-479.

34) Woojin Choi, Yuri Lee (2019). Effects of fashion vlogger attributes on product attitude and content sharing. Fashion and Textiles 6(6), 1-18. (교신). SCIE

33) Soozin Park, Yun Jung Choi*, Yuri Lee (2019). Understaning fashion communication between Korean middle-aged mothers and daughters. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 43, 58-67, SSCI

32) Sunwoo Kim, Yuri Lee (2018). Why do women want to be beautiful? A qualitative study proposing a new “human beauty values” concept, Plos ONE, 13(8), e0201347. SCIE

31) Jihyun Lee, Yuri Lee, (2018). Effects of multi-brand company’s CSR activities on purchase intention through a mediating role of corporate image and brand image", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 22(3), 387-403,
JFMM-08-2017-0087. SSCI

30) Erin Cho, Jihyun Lee*, Yuri Lee (2017). Corporate philanthropy affecting consumer patronage behavior: The effect of reciprocity and the moderating roles of vicarious licensing and strategic fit. Sustainability, 9(6), 1-15. Doi:10.3390/su9071094. SSCI

29) Chorong Youn, So-young Kim*, Yuri Lee, Ho Jung Choo, Seyoon Jang, jae Im Jang (2017). Measuring retailers' sustainable development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(3), pp385-398, DOI: 10.1002/bse.1924,  SSCI

28) Minyoung Ahn, Joeun Lee, Yuri Lee (2016). Consumers’ perception of the warmth and competence of design-imitating companies. International Journal of Fashion Design, Education and Technology 10(2), 119-128, DOI: 10.1080/17543266.2016.1214290 (corresonding author)

27) Yongsoo Ha, Yuri Lee (2016). Effects of spatial crowding on store loyalty: Roles of store size. Universal Journal of Psychology, 4(3), 123-.131.DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2016.040302
26) Hyeonsoo Kim, Yun Jung Choi, Yuri Lee (2015). Web atmospheric qualities in luxury fashion brand web sites. Jounal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19(4), 384-401.
25) Sookhyun Kim, Yuri Lee, A. J. Jang, Y. Lee, and C. L. Kpatstein (2015). Global nation product equity depending on a level of cultural diffusion. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24(3), 276-286
24) Jihyun Lee, Yuri Lee (2015). Interactions of CSR, self-congruity and purchase intention among Chinese consumers. Australasian Marketing Journal, 23(1), 19-26doi:10.1016/j.ausmj.2015.01.003
23) Kyeonsung Min, Soozin Park, Yuri Lee (2014). Waiting in line at a fashion store: psychological and emotional responses. Fashion and Textiles, 1:21, doi:10.1186/s40691-014-0021-6 
22) Kyunghwa Chung, Chorong Youn, Yuri Lee (2014). The influence of luxury brands’ cross border acquisition on consumer brand perception. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 32(4), 219-234. doi: 10.1177/0887302X14538117. SSCI
21) Hye Jung Jung, Yuri Lee, HaeJung Kim, Heesoon Yang (2014). Impacts of country images on luxury fashion brand: facilitating with the brand resonance model. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 18(2), 187-205.(corresponding author)
20) Sookhyun Kim, Jiyoung Park, Yuri Lee (2013). The e-word of mouth effect on consumers’ Internet shopping behaviour: focus on apparel products. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education, 6(3), 160-172.
19) Sae-eun Lee, Heesoon Yang, Yuri Lee (2013), The influence of technological and symbolic innovation on new product adoption in a social context. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 42(2), 138-149.
18) Jihyun Lee, Yuri Lee, Yoon-Jung Lee (2012), Do customization programs of e-commerce companies lead to better relationship with consumers? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 11, 262-274, SSCI.
17) Namhee Lee, Yun Jung Choi, Chorong Youn, Yuri Lee (2012), Does green fashion retailing make consumers more eco-friendly? The influence of green fashion products and campaigns on green consciousness and behavior, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 30(1), 67-82. SSCI.
16) Soo In Shim, Yuri Lee (2011), Consumer’s perceived risk reduction by 3D virtual model, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 39(12), 945-959.
15) Jung Ha-Brookshire, Yuri Lee (2011), Firm capabilities and firm size: the case of Korean apparel manufacturers, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 4(1), 59-67.
14) Jung Ha-Brookshire, Yuri Lee (2010), Korean apparel manufacturing industry: Exploration from the industry life cycle perspective, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 28(4), 279-294. SSCI
13) Mijeong Kim, Sookhyun Kim, Yuri Lee (2010), The effect of distribution channel diversification of foreign luxury fashion brands on consumers’ brand value and loyalty in the Korean market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 17, 286-293.
12) Jaikyung Park, Yunja Nam, Geungmi Choi, Yuri Lee, Kyuhye Lee (2009), Apparel consumers’ body type and their shopping characteristics. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 13 (3), 372-293.(교신)
11) Yun Jung Choi, Katalin, Medvedev, Yuri Lee, Patricia Hunt-Hurst (2009), How China, Japan, and Korea are perceived by Vogue USA in the last ten years. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 2(1), 3-11. (교신)
10) Yuri Lee, Soyoung Kim, Yoo-Kyoung Seock, Yunjin Cho (2009). Tourists’ attitudes towards textiles and apparel-related cultural products: A cross-cultural marketing study. Tourism Management, 30, 724-732. SSCI
9) Sang Woo Seo, Yuri Lee(2008), Shopping values of clothing retailers perceived by consumers of different social classes. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 15, 491-499.
8) Jihyun Lee, Yuri Lee(2007), Exploring how the effect of attributes varies with fashion product e-tailer type; based on Korea context. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(4), 462-476.
7) Soyoung Kim, Yuri Lee (2006), Global online marketplace:a cross-cultural comparison of website quality. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(6), 533-543.
6) Yuri Lee, Doris H. Kincade(2003), U.S. Apparel manufacturers’ company characteristic differences based on SCM activities,Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 7, 31-48
5) Soyoung Kim, Reginald Williams, Yuri Lee(2003), Attitude toward online shopping and retail website quality: a comparison of US and Korean consumers, Journal of International Consumer Marketing 16, 89-111
4) Ji-won, Lee, Eun-young Rhee, Yuri Lee(2003), Types of brand extension and leverage effects of brand image in the Korean apparel market. International Journal of Human Ecology 4, 1-14 (교신)
3) Yuri Lee, Doris H. Kincade(2002), Impact of fabric supplier characteristics on apparel manufacturers’ inventory performance, Journal of the Textile Institute 93, 26-39. SCIE
2) Yuri Lee(2001). Male Consumers’ Behavior in a High-priced clothing market. International Journal of Human Ecology, 2 (1), 57-75
1) Jessie H. Chenyu, Keumn-Hee Hong, & Yuri Lee (2001). A comparison of determinants of consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the performance of apparel products between South Korea and the United States. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 25(1), 62-71.

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